Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales

Marie Ladier-Fouladi

Iran, un monde de paradoxes

  • Marie Ladier Fouladi
    Editions L'Atalante 2009


    "Of all the countries of the South, Iran, which is three times the size of France, is the one which arouses the greatest number of polemics in the West whereas not much is known about it because geopolitical considerations render any in-depth reading of this State, or of its people, impossible. This year, marked by the thirtieth anniversary of its Revolution, one of the most important in the XXth century, and a presidential election the outcome of which is crucial for the future of the region, will be decisive. This book, which is based on surveys of Iranian society, stresses, amongst other things, that young people do not, or no longer, adhere to the politico-religious ideals of the State and that women have never left the public sphere despite the harshness of the Islamic Republic."

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  • Des Nord(s) vers les Sud(s) : Etat de la recherche sur les mobilités Le colloque, « Des nord(s) vers les sud(s) : état de la recherche sur les mobilités », a pour ambition de contribuer à renouveler la réflexion sur les migrations internationales, en mettant l'accent sur la diversité des formes, des figures et des expériences des flux Nord-Sud.