Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales

Michel Wieviorka

Les sciences sociales en mutation

  • sous la direction de Michel Wieviorka, avec la collaboration de Aude Debarle et Jocelyne Ohana, Auxerre, Editions Sciences Humaines, mars 2007, 624 p.


    Changes in the Social Sciences
    The number of researchers working in human and social sciences (HSS) has sharply increased since the 1960s. This quantitative trend is of considerable importance, primarily because of the close links between these disciplines and democratic institutions: dictatorships, totalitarian regimes, as well as entrenched financial interests have a history of censorship or contempt for what HSS represents.
    There is currently no crisis within HSS, at least in terms of their productivity of relevant knowledge and ideas. These disciplines are, however, rapidly evolving, and are progressively adapting their conceptual tools and research techniques. In order to delineate these evolutions, this book documents the contributions of some of the most notable HSS reasearchers from around the world, who met in Paris, in May 2006.
    The purpose of this book is thus to outline the future roles and functions of HSS, through an organized collection of articles that, despite the varied backgrounds of their authors, are interconnected and form a coherent whole.

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  • Des Nord(s) vers les Sud(s) : Etat de la recherche sur les mobilités Le colloque, « Des nord(s) vers les sud(s) : état de la recherche sur les mobilités », a pour ambition de contribuer à renouveler la réflexion sur les migrations internationales, en mettant l'accent sur la diversité des formes, des figures et des expériences des flux Nord-Sud.