Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales

Alain Touraine

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  • Alain Touraine
    Paris, Fayard, octobre-novembre 2007


    Thinking in a different way
    This book deals with the transformation required in our approach to the changes which have affected both private and public life, given that the very idea of society is now in crisis. Globalisation in all its forms, along with the lifting of taboos on pulsions has brought in its wake the collapse of traditional social structures. The definition of good and evil in our society can no longer be defined in terms of social function. Awareness of self prevails over awareness of the rules. The subject has become its own creator.
    Starting with an analysis of what the author refers to as the dominant interpretation which has endeavoured, throughout the 20th century to impose the idea of a society without actors, determined by factors which are predominantly economic, the author suggests that the only principle which enables us to evaluate the behavior of each individual and of social situations is the recognition of the political, social and cultural rights of all mankind, recognised as free and equal human beings. He calls for a re-thinking of the individual as a subject who is defined in social and cultural terms as well as political. Contrary to those who disparage individualism, he emphasizes the process of subjectivation which entails the defence of the rights of each individual as against all modes of social integration. The meaning of social conduct is no longer imposed by society and its rules and norms but by the subject , who is the bearer of universal rights exercised in specific social and cultural situations.
    The dependency of women, the rejection of minorities and the difficulties of young people at school and in employment are three main spheres of social life in which the general change in social thought which is advocated here is implemented.

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