Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales

Eric Macé

Penser les médiacultures : Nouvelles pratiques et nouvelles approches de la représentation du monde

  • Eric Macé avec Eric Maigret (dir.)
    Paris, INA / Armand Colin, 2005


    Re-thinking Mediacultures
    The major division between the media on one hand and culture on the other is only a century old but it weighs on representations of the media barring any evocation of its aesthetic value and forcing us to equate popular with vulgar. This distinction which is imposed on us has however long since been overtaken by multiple hybrid objects: mass culture, pop culture, pop art, sub-cultures, counter-cultures, fan cultures, cyber culture, public and counter-public cultures … This is why we speak of media cultures, points at which practices of construction of meaning intersect, opening up studies of the media, of culture and of representations. The issue here is one of definitions in the public sphere, of differentiation of cultural practices, and of the place of the aesthetic in contemporary lives. This book is a manifesto which aims to be read at two levels: as an evaluation of the approaches which have renewed in depth our approach to the media in the past twenty years (Cultural Studies, public sphere, interactionism, Queer Studies …) and as an essay from several different points of view on the theoretical and methodological boundaries to be crossed in the coming years.

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  • Des Nord(s) vers les Sud(s) : Etat de la recherche sur les mobilités Le colloque, « Des nord(s) vers les sud(s) : état de la recherche sur les mobilités », a pour ambition de contribuer à renouveler la réflexion sur les migrations internationales, en mettant l'accent sur la diversité des formes, des figures et des expériences des flux Nord-Sud.