Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales

Fiammetta Venner

OPA sur l'Islam de France. Les ambitions de l'UOIF

  • Fiammetta Venner
    Paris, Calmann-Lévy (mai 2005)


    Takeover Bid for Islam in France. The ambitions of the UOIF (Union of Islamic Organisations of France)
    Since its adhesion to the Conseil français du culte musulman (The French Council for Islam) the UIOF now represents one third of the Muslims in France in the eyes of the media and the French. However, this is not just an ordinary Muslim organisation but the French showcase of the Islam of the Muslim Brotherhood, the most political and the most formidable of the Muslim Brotherhoods. Its office-bearers are regularly accused of double talk. On the one hand they claim to respect the secular state and its republican values. On the other hand, they are integrist, anti-secular and anti-integration. Double talk? Who was right to bet on their institutionalisation: the Republic or the Islamists? Given that a discussion is now opening to consider whether the Republic should now go further and finance Muslim places of prayer and train imams in conjunction with the Conseil français du culte musulman. The answer to this question is crucial. It is also crucial for the UIOF. There is a risk that they will be empowered to contribute to shaping the image of Islam in the France of the future.

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